Pokemon Dawn Wiki

<plb_layout val_1="Wyvine" val_2="" val_3="<N/A>" val_4="Wyvine is a Dragon/Grass-type. It is not known to evolve into, or from, any other Pokémon. It is <height> in height, it weighs <weight>, and has the ability <ability>. In the Dawn Pokédex, its number is #090, and it is classified as the <Classification> Pokémon." val_5="" val_6="<N/A>" val_7="<N/A>" val_8="" val_9="" val_10="File:Wyvine.png | " val_11="" val_12="" val_13="" val_14="" val_15="" val_16="" val_17="" val_18="S:Growl&#13; S:Leech Seed&#13; S:Razor Leaf&#13; S:Vinewhip&#13; Lv9- Absorb&#13; Lv13- Bite&#13; Lv15- Giga Drain&#13; Lv18- Grasswhistle&#13; Lv24- Ariel Ace&#13; Lv30- Twister&#13; Lv36- Poison Fang&#13; Lv40- Dragon Breath&#13; Lv45- Dragon Dance&#13; Lv50- Leaf Blade&#13; Lv55- Synthesis&#13; Lv60- Outrage&#13; " val_20="" val_21="<N/A>" val_22="<N/A>" layout_id="2037" cswikitext=""></plb_layout>
